The long-used industry standard for identifying the
different mintmark styles used over the years was established by Dr. James Wiles and can be seen at his website,
In the November, 2018 issue of Coin World Monthly, I
explained the features of the San Francisco mintmark style listed by
Dr. Wiles as MMS-009 (Mint Mark Style-009). According to Wiles'
listings, this punch came into service in 1974 and was used until 1979.
This was a bad-looking punch which had a series of defects. Assuming
that this punch was brought into service in 1974, I concluded in that
article that this punch must have been made with those defects and that
they were not the result of the punch's deterioration from over-use. I
have since discovered that this is not entirely true.
From doing that study, the many subtle nuances of
the MMS-009 mintmark had become ingrained in my mind's eye. Recently,
while looking over some 1942-S "wheat" cents, I suddenly noticed
something quite profound. These cents had the same mintmark as 1974-S
cents minted 32 years later! I examined many more examples. Sure
enough, with the exception of a couple of the defects on the upper curl
and serif, the San Francisco mintmark punch listed by Dr. Wiles as MMS-004, which
was used off and on from 1941 to 1952, looked identical to the one
labeled MMS-009. It suddenly all made sense to me as to why the MMS-009
punch looked so bad at the onset in 1974 and very quickly deteriorated
into a "blob" by 1977. It is because by 1974, this punch was actually
already over 30 years old and had been used extensively for over a
decade in the '40s and '50s!
Comparing mintmarks to show definitively their
similar characteristics is much more of a challenge than comparing other
design features. There are many variables at work which can alter the
appearance of mintmarks, despite their being made by the same punch.
Before 1990, all business-strike dies had their mintmarks punched into
them by hand; therefore, the depth of each individual punching can vary
pretty dramatically. This can change both the overall size and
appearance of the mintmark. It is important to look at the "flat" apex
of the mintmark's tallest surfaces. These will not change with varying
depth of punch like the wedge-shaped slopes that border it on all sides
will. Furthermore, any difference in the angle of incidence of the punch
in relation to the die can also affect its consistency top to bottom, or
left to right. We also have to account for damage and wear on the punch
as it was used year after year. On top of all of that, die state can
also have an impact on its appearance as well as any contact marks
present. So, we had to take all of these factors into account when
doing our comparisons.
In addition to the fact that the mintmarks
on 1942-S cents and 1974-S cents were of the same font and identical
size, we were also able to identify several shared unique
characteristics, which I call "punch markers." In addition to the
strange bulge and cavity on the center "horizontal," they also shared
identical ridge lines inside the upper and lower loops at what would be
the deepest recesses of the punch. The only difference between them was
that the specimens from the '40s and '50s did not have the "split" on
the upper curl and serif that it apparently developed during its use in

When looking down at this mintmark from
above and seeing it in 2 dimensions, this defect on the upper curl and
serif really does appear to be doubled, leading some to believe it was a
newly made doubled punch; however, when viewed from the side in 3
dimensions, we can see it isn't really a "split" at all, rather a
"cliff" between two different layers of relief. This "doubled curl" is
not made from new extra material at all, rather it is actually formed
out of the Northern slope of the existing punch.

We also found an
in-between stage on some 1974 examples that showed the split on the
upper serif beginning before the break on the upper curl happened.
Therefore, we know it didn't happen all at once. This is a strong
indicator that the punch became damaged and was neither a new doubled
punch nor a reworking of the existing punch. In any event, it was a
short-lived stage as this break quickly eroded away into the big slope
to the North, leaving only a very thin apex for an upper curl, like we
see on proof coinage in the subsequent years after 1974. What
I had originally thought was slide Machine Damage, is actually just various stages
of erosion of that break into the Northern slope of the mintmark.

It is quite understandable that this mintmark punch
was not recognized in 1974. First, the strong, newly developed defects
on the upper curl and serif mislead observers. Second, the punch depth
in 1974 was most often quite deeper than the examples we see in the '40s
and '50s. This will change the overall size of the mintmark. Third, in
those days, we could really only get a two-dimensional look from above
at mintmarks. With modern advances in photography, we are able to get a
new perspective with three-dimensional rendering. This gives us a great
advantage. Finally, who would even expect a punch to come back into
service after 22 years? We can only imagine why. Perhaps when the
MMS-008 used for the first part of 1974 broke this was all they had
around. It is another mystery to which we will likely never know the
After completing this study, I notified Dr. Wiles of
our findings. After graciously taking the time to review our work, he
has agreed to update his listings.